Monday, September 30, 2019
Beauty Pageants
Did beauty pageants go a bit too far? According to Oxford, beauty pageants are public entertainment contests of a procession of people in elaborate, colorful costumes, or an outdoor performance of a historical scene; however, child beauty pageants according to Wikipedia child beauty pageants are beauty contests that feature contestants up to 18 years of age; however, Competition categories may include interviews, talents, swim wear, casual wear, western wear, theme wear, etc.Contingent on the type of pageant system competitors may be seen with elaborate hairstyles, or wearing makeup as well as and custom designed, fitted outfits to fit their act on stage. There are a lot cons and pros to participating in beauty pageants. The most effected by such pageants are children, who are mostly hopeless and do not have a say in such things. In this essay I will be discussing how child beauty pageants are harmful to members psychological healthiness, developing superficial values that would dist ract from family relations and mess-up the natural progression of infantile or childhood, and promote a degrading prospect of women.The negative outcome of these pageants on the health of our children is becoming very scary and concerning. To begun with, beauty Pageants tend to cause psychological issues that may appear as sicknesses later on in their life, and members grow up in a mood where they absorb fake, damaged values. Such Pageants, effect children, especially girls in a very harmful way leading to anxiety, Paranoia, low self esteem, feelings of inferiority , bulimia, depression ,anorexia ,etc. Nevertheless, these are just the early effects of competition on young girls.The worst part is that those little innocent girls or boys are stuck in between two horrible extremes, which are the two feelings of wining, or losing. Experiencing such feelings at a young age is definitely unhealthy for children. â€Å"This study evaluated the association between childhood beauty pageants and adult disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, depression, and self-esteem. Eleven women who participated in childhood beauty pageants were matched on age and BMI with 11 non-participating women.Childhood pageant participants scored higher on body dissatisfaction, interpersonal distrust, and impulse dysregulation than non-participants, and showed a trend toward greater ineffectiveness. There were no significant differences between groups on measures of bulimia, body perception, depression, and self-esteem. These findings suggest childhood beauty pageant participation may influence adult body dissatisfaction, interpersonal distrust, and impulse dysregulation, but not bulimic behaviors, body perception, depression, and self-esteem†(Gold, Eating Disorders).Secondly, childhood is a precious moment of a person’s life that should be churched and lived to its fullest; nonetheless, these beauty pageants cause Little girls to start developing superficial values such as the importunacy of looks over everything, conformity to the sick society, growing radical measures looks and wanting to be perfect, and lastly trying to fit the ideal. All those superficial values lead to producing, superficial women that will raise a generation under poisoned values.Beauty pageants teach little girls that in order to succeed in life it is acceptable to be two-faced and shallow. Conversely, media also helps in convincing little girls to be dependent on others' opinions and decisions for themselves, which is considered a big negative vibe. â€Å"Author's abstract: Child beauty pageants are a phenomenon in rural communities throughout Georgia. My belief is that most of those who compete in these pageants are from the lower socio-economic bracket, participating for a multitude of reasons.A bricolage of post-structural feminism, critical ethnography, critical hermeneutics and cultural studies lenses will analyze how the performances of participants and the power exercised by the beauty pageant culture work to formulate girls' identities. Analysis will also include how power operates to perpetuate this subculture and its right to dictate norms for beauty and acceptance and will be situated in the culture of girlhood. Examination of what is depicted in popular culture through videos, documentaries, and television shows will also occur.I suggest that the rural beauty pageant culture does work to create girlhood identity and a way in which the participants view the world and themselves. In fact, I believe that the rural beauty pageant culture does intricate cultural work in terms of gender and class†(Thompson, Reynolds, Trailer park royalty). Superficial values can distract from many important things such as family life, which is a very important component in the raising of each child. Messing up the natural progression of childhood can have unpleasant consequences that can lead to bigger issues.Lastly, Children are innocent creatures that should live their childhood without the interference of media, and sick minded people. The sexualisation and Materialization of these young girls is highly wrong, and also leads to degrading the female gender, and lastly places them in danger of being sexually harassed. Taking advantage of such innocent creatures is highly immoral, and should be punished for. Beauty pageants opened the doors for sexual harassers, by allowing little girls to do sexual routines or to wear sexual outfits.The issue of sexualizing children is a dominant issue that seams to be pushed and encouraged by the media: â€Å"stealing away a child's innocence by portraying her in the suggestive pose of a sexualized nymphet †¦ when her sense of self-worth is defined largely through a notion of beauty that is †¦ such relations is that the identities of the young girls who enter the pageants become meaningful†(Giroux, Stealing innocence). Media and beauty pageants Degrades the image of both women and girl s around the world, therefor each and every one of us should act against such things that put us, and the next generations in danger . Beauty Pageants Children's beauty pageants have been around for a long time. Toddlers and Tiaras is a show, based on mothers living their dream lives through their children. The mothers dress their young girls as if they are grown models. My out look on the whole situation is that little 5 year old girls, should not be competing in beauty pagents. Fake teeth, tans, eye lashes, and hair make these children look as though they are in their teens. No child should have to compete in looking â€Å"beautiful†or â€Å"the best†. Children their ages should be happy and not care what people think.Most children in their age groups are playing outside, not caring what their hair and makeup looks like. They are little girls, not teenagers. The parents of these little girls expect more from these children then they should. The outer beauty of these girls, seems more important than inner. I don't agree with the way these children are being raised, but it's the parents who choose to do this to their children. As for these children, as they grow up they will be held high above everyone and will not understand what it's like to work for things.One of the arguments against children's beauty pageants has to do with pedophilia and that this may encourage that. What I'm most concerned about is the message that it sends to girls and the unhealthy relationships that it perpetuates between parent and child. The worst part of the whole situation is that the children are going on stage dancing provocatively and â€Å"flirting†with the judges. As young as these children are they should not even know how to dance or â€Å"flirt†like they do. While I don't believe that it encourages pedophilia, it certainly will give that child a warped sense of the importance of female sexuality.Throughout the show there are many pageants distributed, but the ones that I've seen on the shows are the â€Å"Glitz†pageants. During the â€Å"Glitz†pageants the girls are expected to have spray tans, pounds of makeup, flippers; fake teeth, and fake hair. Its one thing to apply some lip gloss and a few hot rollers. It's another to make a 5 year old resemble a Vegas show girl. If there is going to be a pageant for children that involves beauty, at least it should involve the child's natural beauty and features.One of the arguments for pageants is that it promotes self confidence and that the children have fun doing it. As this may be true, the children are being taught at a very young age that it is okay to dress, dance and act inappropriate to get attention. The only thing these pageants are teaching children is that wearing pounds of makeup, and looking like a Barbie doll, is okay. As these children grow, they will hold themselves above everyone, and will expect everyone to treat them as if they are perfect. Beauty Pageants Did beauty pageants go a bit too far? According to Oxford, beauty pageants are public entertainment contests of a procession of people in elaborate, colorful costumes, or an outdoor performance of a historical scene; however, child beauty pageants according to Wikipedia child beauty pageants are beauty contests that feature contestants up to 18 years of age; however, Competition categories may include interviews, talents, swim wear, casual wear, western wear, theme wear, etc.Contingent on the type of pageant system competitors may be seen with elaborate hairstyles, or wearing makeup as well as and custom designed, fitted outfits to fit their act on stage. There are a lot cons and pros to participating in beauty pageants. The most effected by such pageants are children, who are mostly hopeless and do not have a say in such things. In this essay I will be discussing how child beauty pageants are harmful to members psychological healthiness, developing superficial values that would dist ract from family relations and mess-up the natural progression of infantile or childhood, and promote a degrading prospect of women.The negative outcome of these pageants on the health of our children is becoming very scary and concerning. To begun with, beauty Pageants tend to cause psychological issues that may appear as sicknesses later on in their life, and members grow up in a mood where they absorb fake, damaged values. Such Pageants, effect children, especially girls in a very harmful way leading to anxiety, Paranoia, low self esteem, feelings of inferiority , bulimia, depression ,anorexia ,etc. Nevertheless, these are just the early effects of competition on young girls.The worst part is that those little innocent girls or boys are stuck in between two horrible extremes, which are the two feelings of wining, or losing. Experiencing such feelings at a young age is definitely unhealthy for children. â€Å"This study evaluated the association between childhood beauty pageants and adult disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, depression, and self-esteem. Eleven women who participated in childhood beauty pageants were matched on age and BMI with 11 non-participating women.Childhood pageant participants scored higher on body dissatisfaction, interpersonal distrust, and impulse dysregulation than non-participants, and showed a trend toward greater ineffectiveness. There were no significant differences between groups on measures of bulimia, body perception, depression, and self-esteem. These findings suggest childhood beauty pageant participation may influence adult body dissatisfaction, interpersonal distrust, and impulse dysregulation, but not bulimic behaviors, body perception, depression, and self-esteem†(Gold, Eating Disorders).Secondly, childhood is a precious moment of a person’s life that should be churched and lived to its fullest; nonetheless, these beauty pageants cause Little girls to start developing superficial values such as the importunacy of looks over everything, conformity to the sick society, growing radical measures looks and wanting to be perfect, and lastly trying to fit the ideal. All those superficial values lead to producing, superficial women that will raise a generation under poisoned values.Beauty pageants teach little girls that in order to succeed in life it is acceptable to be two-faced and shallow. Conversely, media also helps in convincing little girls to be dependent on others' opinions and decisions for themselves, which is considered a big negative vibe. â€Å"Author's abstract: Child beauty pageants are a phenomenon in rural communities throughout Georgia. My belief is that most of those who compete in these pageants are from the lower socio-economic bracket, participating for a multitude of reasons.A bricolage of post-structural feminism, critical ethnography, critical hermeneutics and cultural studies lenses will analyze how the performances of participants and the power exercised by the beauty pageant culture work to formulate girls' identities. Analysis will also include how power operates to perpetuate this subculture and its right to dictate norms for beauty and acceptance and will be situated in the culture of girlhood. Examination of what is depicted in popular culture through videos, documentaries, and television shows will also occur.I suggest that the rural beauty pageant culture does work to create girlhood identity and a way in which the participants view the world and themselves. In fact, I believe that the rural beauty pageant culture does intricate cultural work in terms of gender and class†(Thompson, Reynolds, Trailer park royalty). Superficial values can distract from many important things such as family life, which is a very important component in the raising of each child. Messing up the natural progression of childhood can have unpleasant consequences that can lead to bigger issues.Lastly, Children are innocent creatures that should live their childhood without the interference of media, and sick minded people. The sexualisation and Materialization of these young girls is highly wrong, and also leads to degrading the female gender, and lastly places them in danger of being sexually harassed. Taking advantage of such innocent creatures is highly immoral, and should be punished for. Beauty pageants opened the doors for sexual harassers, by allowing little girls to do sexual routines or to wear sexual outfits.The issue of sexualizing children is a dominant issue that seams to be pushed and encouraged by the media: â€Å"stealing away a child's innocence by portraying her in the suggestive pose of a sexualized nymphet †¦ when her sense of self-worth is defined largely through a notion of beauty that is †¦ such relations is that the identities of the young girls who enter the pageants become meaningful†(Giroux, Stealing innocence). Media and beauty pageants Degrades the image of both women and girl s around the world, therefor each and every one of us should act against such things that put us, and the next generations in danger . Beauty Pageants Did beauty pageants go a bit too far? According to Oxford, beauty pageants are public entertainment contests of a procession of people in elaborate, colorful costumes, or an outdoor performance of a historical scene; however, child beauty pageants according to Wikipedia child beauty pageants are beauty contests that feature contestants up to 18 years of age; however, Competition categories may include interviews, talents, swim wear, casual wear, western wear, theme wear, etc.Contingent on the type of pageant system competitors may be seen with elaborate hairstyles, or wearing makeup as well as and custom designed, fitted outfits to fit their act on stage. There are a lot cons and pros to participating in beauty pageants. The most effected by such pageants are children, who are mostly hopeless and do not have a say in such things. In this essay I will be discussing how child beauty pageants are harmful to members psychological healthiness, developing superficial values that would dist ract from family relations and mess-up the natural progression of infantile or childhood, and promote a degrading prospect of women.The negative outcome of these pageants on the health of our children is becoming very scary and concerning. To begun with, beauty Pageants tend to cause psychological issues that may appear as sicknesses later on in their life, and members grow up in a mood where they absorb fake, damaged values. Such Pageants, effect children, especially girls in a very harmful way leading to anxiety, Paranoia, low self esteem, feelings of inferiority , bulimia, depression ,anorexia ,etc. Nevertheless, these are just the early effects of competition on young girls.The worst part is that those little innocent girls or boys are stuck in between two horrible extremes, which are the two feelings of wining, or losing. Experiencing such feelings at a young age is definitely unhealthy for children. â€Å"This study evaluated the association between childhood beauty pageants and adult disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, depression, and self-esteem. Eleven women who participated in childhood beauty pageants were matched on age and BMI with 11 non-participating women.Childhood pageant participants scored higher on body dissatisfaction, interpersonal distrust, and impulse dysregulation than non-participants, and showed a trend toward greater ineffectiveness. There were no significant differences between groups on measures of bulimia, body perception, depression, and self-esteem. These findings suggest childhood beauty pageant participation may influence adult body dissatisfaction, interpersonal distrust, and impulse dysregulation, but not bulimic behaviors, body perception, depression, and self-esteem†(Gold, Eating Disorders).Secondly, childhood is a precious moment of a person’s life that should be churched and lived to its fullest; nonetheless, these beauty pageants cause Little girls to start developing superficial values such as the importunacy of looks over everything, conformity to the sick society, growing radical measures looks and wanting to be perfect, and lastly trying to fit the ideal. All those superficial values lead to producing, superficial women that will raise a generation under poisoned values.Beauty pageants teach little girls that in order to succeed in life it is acceptable to be two-faced and shallow. Conversely, media also helps in convincing little girls to be dependent on others' opinions and decisions for themselves, which is considered a big negative vibe. â€Å"Author's abstract: Child beauty pageants are a phenomenon in rural communities throughout Georgia. My belief is that most of those who compete in these pageants are from the lower socio-economic bracket, participating for a multitude of reasons.A bricolage of post-structural feminism, critical ethnography, critical hermeneutics and cultural studies lenses will analyze how the performances of participants and the power exercised by the beauty pageant culture work to formulate girls' identities. Analysis will also include how power operates to perpetuate this subculture and its right to dictate norms for beauty and acceptance and will be situated in the culture of girlhood. Examination of what is depicted in popular culture through videos, documentaries, and television shows will also occur.I suggest that the rural beauty pageant culture does work to create girlhood identity and a way in which the participants view the world and themselves. In fact, I believe that the rural beauty pageant culture does intricate cultural work in terms of gender and class†(Thompson, Reynolds, Trailer park royalty). Superficial values can distract from many important things such as family life, which is a very important component in the raising of each child. Messing up the natural progression of childhood can have unpleasant consequences that can lead to bigger issues.Lastly, Children are innocent creatures that should live their childhood without the interference of media, and sick minded people. The sexualisation and Materialization of these young girls is highly wrong, and also leads to degrading the female gender, and lastly places them in danger of being sexually harassed. Taking advantage of such innocent creatures is highly immoral, and should be punished for. Beauty pageants opened the doors for sexual harassers, by allowing little girls to do sexual routines or to wear sexual outfits.The issue of sexualizing children is a dominant issue that seams to be pushed and encouraged by the media: â€Å"stealing away a child's innocence by portraying her in the suggestive pose of a sexualized nymphet †¦ when her sense of self-worth is defined largely through a notion of beauty that is †¦ such relations is that the identities of the young girls who enter the pageants become meaningful†(Giroux, Stealing innocence). Media and beauty pageants Degrades the image of both women and girl s around the world, therefor each and every one of us should act against such things that put us, and the next generations in danger .
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Film Genre, Narration, Reality Tv Essay
â€Å"Types of films are commonly referred to as genres (pronounced â€Å"zahn-rahz†). The word genre is originally French and simply means kind or type.†(Bordwell & Thompson, 2004: 108). Genre groups films, which share similar filmic qualities and themes, into various subsections according to the type of film they are associated as. Various film genres are recognisable by the way they are presented and patterned or the way that they portray a certain emotion or feeling, as those of humour or horror. There is no distinct way by which we can define genre. Some films incorporate various aspects of different genres, thus we cannot define exactly what kind of text-book definition genre it is and being that all people are different, a comedy to one person may be a complete bore to the next. In a sense, certain films portray their genre as a subjective opinion. Film genre, in the modern filmic world today, is also very reliant on the actors that star in the feature. Automatically we, as viewers, would associate brawn and large stature with an action film, but occasional films tend to meld these characters into completely different subgenre, giving the film a very hybrid, generic feel to it. Genres are ways of providing films with the intended associations. It is a convention in which people can refer to initially grasp the notion of a film, â€Å"for the vast publicity system that exists around filmmaking, genres are a simple way to characterize film. In fact, reviewers are often central in gathering and crystallizing notions about genres.†(Bordwell & Thompson, 2004: 110). Genres are helpful in the general public as they give spectrum to different people and their different tastes. It also accommodates for any mood one may be in if they wanted to watch a film. It characterizes the films and sorts them into place for the viewer’s pleasure, â€Å"At all levels of the filmmaking and film-viewing processes, then, genres help assure that most members of society share at least some general notions about the many films that compete for our attention.†(Bordwell & Thompson, 2004: 110) Most genres share specific genre conventions. Stereotypical plots or certain predictable characters are expected to appear during a film of a desired genre. These are the conventions which group films into subgenres. Other than visual and audio conventions, those concerning mise-en-scene, cinematography, sound, lighting and editing, genres often also make boundaries around the type of thematic notions that are presented within films. Interweaving and altering certain genres, film producers create hybrids of genres that are incorporate mixture of different filmic techniques implemented by different genres. These subgenres, as with conventional genres are not always effective. â€Å"The periods in which a genre remains popular are called cycles.†(Bordwell & Thompson, 2004: 115). Genres can only be portrayed so many times before they become old, such as with anything else in the world. Film Narration (Researched from â€Å"Film Art: An Introduction†by D. Bordwell and K. Thompson.) According to D. Bordwell and K. Thompson, a narrative is considered to be, â€Å"Â…a chain of events in cause-effect relationship occurring in time and space,†(Bordwell & Thompson, 2004: 69), otherwise also known as a story. The narrative of a film begins with an instance and throughout the film’s time and space alters in story and elements in such a way that the final narration is the end product. The narrative of a film is structured in a way that we, the viewers, can identify with and understand what is going on in the film. The sequences and events are arranged in an order such that to portray the notion of a flowing story. Causality, time and space are the governing factors behind this story or narration. The story undergoes a â€Å"cause and effect,†(Bordwell & Thompson, 2004: 69) situation where one event leads onto another. â€Å"A narrative may cue us to draw parallels among characters, settings, situations, times of day, or any other elements.†(Bordwell & Thompson, 2004: 69) The way in which the narrative of a film is revealed can lead the viewer to make connections between certain elements in the film such as interlinking character backgrounds or settings. What the viewer sees onscreen is mechanically fed into the back of his/her mind and slowly they start tying in different aspects of a film as they are uncovered one after the other. By the actions or method of speech certain characters have in films, for example, the viewer can achieve a comprehensible understanding of the character and how he/she fits into the, sometimes social or other, hierarchy of the narrative of the film. This is a contributing factor towards the plot development of a film as the characters are to have an affirmative role that the viewer should be able to understand. â€Å"Â…the film’s plot may contain material that is extraneous to the story world.†(Bordwell & Thompson, 2004: 71). D. Bordwell and K. Thompson use the example of nondiegetic intro music being a form of narrative to the story plot as it does set a pace and a mood for the story. The film’s plot and story are not the same thing but are closely linked in aspect. The plot mechanically uncovers a film’s storyline and events while the film’s story adds complexity and body to the film as a whole through diegesis. The Bordwell and Thompson CD-ROM addition describes diegesis to be, â€Å"Â…the world of the film’s story. The diegesis includes events that are presumed to have occurred and actions and spaces not shown onscreen. See also diegetic sound, nondiegetic insert, nondiegetic sound.†Therefore the understanding of the film’s narration will have a different, more in depth meaning to someone like the director as opposed to the viewer. Thus it is the director’s duty to arrange the narrative in such a way that it would portray a desired notion or motif through the way it is presented. Causality, time and space are the overall key factors governing the convergence of film narration. Precise sequencing and technical usage of these three elements is what brings about a good story narrative. Reality T.V (Researched from â€Å"InfoTrac Onefile†online journal.) â€Å"The term ‘reality TV’ was first coined in the USA, and was used to describe television programmes based on film footage from police forces and the emergency services, usually featuring dramatic car chases and accidents.†(Joan Garrod, 2004). Reality is a rather new and very different hybrid of television genres that are encountered daily. It totally abolishes the rules and regulations of standard acting and filming procedures. Whereas other forms of televisual entertainment make use of camera and acting synchronisation, reality television goes one step ahead to disrupt this congruency and allow the action and camera to work individually creating a, once-unnatural, different form of filmic entertainment. â€Å"The main reason viewers give for their interest in reality TV is that it is not as predictable and formulaic as ‘mainstream’ television dramas and sit-coms.†(Mark Andrejevic, 2004). This factor is what binds viewers to their television sets when a new hit reality show is broadcast. The fact that this stream of entertainment is still rather new and unpredictable, viewers become completely absorbed and over-obsessed with their new favourite show, â€Å"Â…13 million people in the UK watched the final of I’m a Celebrity†¦Get Me Out of HereÂ….†(Joan Garrod, 2004). That is a colossal quantity of viewers for the UK alone. Reality television it considered by some to be an insult to their intelligence. It requires no previous acting skills at all and has the habit of creating stars almost as popular as ones we would find in our everyday Hollywood films, â€Å"Here, in short, are people becoming famous for doing nothing much at all, but doing it where everyone can see them.†(Salmon Rushdie, 2004). It is easy to notice why various media critics are ‘insulted’ by this form of television entertainment. They are coming from backgrounds with the art of media has been cultured to such a fine point that an entertainment of this nature would be, just plainly, unacceptable. Certain critics have made note that reality TV, as well as having negative repercussions on the viewers, have negative repercussions on the participants as well. â€Å"Â…participants become psychologically weakened and more easily manipulated, and are thus more prone to be subject to the authority of the producers.†(S. Brenton and R. Cohen, 2003). Many participants often enter a â€Å"distressed state†and, invariably, leave the show early. Mark Andrejevic, a Colorado PhD student, goes on to find other aspects of reality TV that are beside the norm. He states that because the participants, in reality TV, are ‘real people’, more and more viewers are adapting to identifying with them as opposed to acted characters in conventionally produced film. He also states that reality TV is a new advancement in â€Å"televisual interaction†. It gives the viewers the option to choose how they would like the ending to happen. This is silly however, as what would be the point of watching a reality series in the first place? Reality TV is a diverse and upcoming television genre in the future. Critics predict it to be around still for an extensive amount of time. So many ideas and manipulations from real life can be brought into action on the screen and we, as mindless, malleable viewers, will eat up all the Americanised filth that is brain-fed to us through our television setsÂ… an unhappy ending to a debatably unhappy story. Bibliography David Bordwell & Kristin Thompson, (2004) Film Art: An Introduction, The McGraw-Hill Companies: New York. P 69, 71, 108, 110, 115 David Bordwell & Kristin Thompson, (2004) Film Art: An Introduction, The McGraw-Hill Companies: New York Ââ€" CD-ROM attachment. Joan Garrod (2004). Author of news article, â€Å"What is reality TV and why do we like it?†Sociology Review journal, Feb 2004 v13 i3 p14(3) S. Brenton and R. Cohen (2003) Shooting People: adventures in reality TV, Verso. Mark Andrejevic (2004) Salmon Rushdie (2004)
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14
Review - Essay Example The present day NFL runs on the rule that any player suspected or diagnosed to have gone through a concussion needs to consult a medic with immediacy, and that the medic is supposed to remain with the player till they get better (Boriboon 25). Handling concussions, as can be borrowed from the article, is a collective responsibility from the therapists and the players if the players have to receive the best care and perform for their teams (Boriboon 25). The article by Johnson is a compilation of the concussions that young players face; in this case, focus has been shed on football players (180). The author clearly indicates that high school football players are greatly involved with tackle football which predisposes them to sport- related concussions (Johnson 181). Johnson then proposes the use of Return to play approaches (RTPs) to account for the concussions by the football players by giving an example of 23,000 damages that are football related, which occur annually (183). The author insists that these players are exposed to numerous health risks ranging from brain injuries to trauma amongst others (Johnson 183). Conclusively, it is arguable that RTPs do not provide a lasting solution to concussions by the football players. As Johnson indicates, football players especially the ones in high school can have negative implications on the players not only on their health, but also in terms of the academic and athletic performance (185). It is recommended that the players and their coaches devise a more reliable approach on dealing with concussions as opposed to solely relying on RTPs. Marchi, Nicola., Jeffrey Bazarian, Vikram Puvenna, Mattia Janigro, Chaitali Ghosh, Jianhui Zhong, Tong Zhu, Eric Blackman, Desiree Stewart, Jasmina Ellis, Damir Janigro, and Robert Butler. â€Å"Consequences of Repeated Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Football Players.†PLOS ONE 8.3 (2013): e56805. Web.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Analysts dispersion forecast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysts dispersion forecast - Essay Example Analyst forecasts refer to public reports or announcements made by analysts on security valuation. The forecasts emphasise the strengths and concerns from their analysis of the information of the Company and are commonly used by the investors as indications of the direction and target price of an underlying security. Consequently, they have a real material impact on the movement of the security. So as to evaluate the impacts of these forecasts on an aggregate basis, our management team has focused their research in Analyst Forecast Dispersion. In order to measure investor sentiment of an underlying security, Analyst Forecast Dispersion measures the difference in analyst opinions. A large measure or an increase in dispersion is an indication that there is greater aggregate uncertainty in analyst views in regard to the direction and the target price of an underlying security, and vice-versa. The security is expected to generate lower returns due to the less certainty in regard to the i ntrinsic value; this in effect indicates a negative correlation between future returns and the Analytical Forecast Dispersion. At the beginning, this report examines the historical data for security returns and the Analyst Forecast Dispersion between the period 1983- 2005. Having examined the historical data, we will then identify the importance of the relationship between the two variables so as to drive an appropriate trading strategy. Based on our analysis, there is sufficient empirical evidence confirming our hypothesis that there is a significant negative relationship between the two variables for the hedged portfolios and the Fama-MacBeth analysis for the smaller cap firms. For that reason, therefore, out team would wish to propose a short term momentum strategy through a short position in securities that have high dispersion and a long dispersion in securities with low dispersion. The approach will focus on small-to-medium cap-sized firms on a one month
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Communication, Ethics, and Society Research Paper
Communication, Ethics, and Society - Research Paper Example disaster also caused massive property damage and caused mass scale human suffering, which was exacerbated with the inability of the government and other social service organizations to make haste in their relief efforts and broaden the scope of their activities. In the aftermath of the disaster, New Orleans remained the center of the media coverage, not only because of the level of devastation, which is still apparent from the scars left from high water level on the exterior of several abandoned buildings, but also because of the cultural and ethnic diversity of New Orleans. For most of its recent history, New Orleans has been seen as the Mecca for tourists and has remained famous for its flexibility in liquor laws, voodoo, and flair for jazz. Since the devastation left the locals without any means for communication, the media agencies became the source for not only reporting the information, but also for deciding the context and interpreting the information (Cutter, et al., p. 15). Thousands of poor African Americans who found themselves isolated on the patches of dry land, stranded on the rooftops, seeking shelter in the Superdome and Convention Centre without any food or shelter became the center of the media coverage. The media did not waste any time in showing the bloated corpses that were floating in the water-filled streets of New Orleans (Cutter, p. 85). Much of the media controversy emerged primarily because of the language used by media outlets when covering this event. During the first few days of the disaster, almost all of the media outlets referred to the individuals as â€Å"refugees†. However, many critics did not receive the use of this term well because it was uncommon for media outlets to use this term for citizens of the United States living within the United States. Subsequently, many news organizations made formal announcements that they would cease to use this term and would use â€Å"victims†, â€Å"survivors†, and â€Å"evacuees†when
Are low risk women in normal labor receiving too many interventions Essay
Are low risk women in normal labor receiving too many interventions - Essay Example In normal labor the package of routine care becomes very flexible one. These interventions depend upon the place of delivery; at home most of the time moral support and attachment are the major interventions while at a well-equipped health facility the staff utilizes more interventions in the management of any pregnant women. (2) In the UK, the routine practice at the time of delivery is carrying out various activities related to any task of maternal and fetal care. Usually, the intensity and frequency of these activities crosses any line or level recommended. Most of the time these activities are carried out without any supportive evidence and at times these may become dangerous instead of beneficial. Findings from the study carried out by Hofmeyr stressed on the inconclusive evidence of routine use of oxytocin, routine amniotomy, continuous electronic fetal heart rate, etc (2). Use of analgesia has got its own untoward effects. Epidural analgesia may convert the normal labor to a prolonged labor at one end; further, it may also increases the probability of performing other interventions, as they are needed due to the long duration of labor. So after getting epidural analgesia which results in prolonged labor eventually results in exhaustion on the side of the woman with weaker and infrequent labor pains fro which drugs for augmentation are required supported by episiotomy. (3) The frequency and types of interventions used during intrapartum period in the UK especially in low risk women has not been looked for and estimated. (4) There are strong recommendations not to overuse interventions when they are not indicated. (5) There is a common agreement of obstetricians and midwives that most of the obstetric interventions cannot be explained. (6) Therefore, as is well known that these interventions are at times dangerous especially when used in excess and at the same time the frequency of use of these interventions is not available. To get reliable information on the utilization of these interventions appropriately a study is proposed with a research question of are low risk women in normal labor receiving too many interventions Objectives To look for level of intrapartum interventions used in normal labor in the UK. Methodology Study design A cross sectional survey will be carried out to reach the objective of this study. Sampling frame A sampling frame of all the consultant maternity units in Great Britain was obtained from the annual returns to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (RCOG). This list contains the data, which is believed to be almost complete. Aim was to complete data collection in one year. The sampling frame captured 237 hospitals but the final number of hospital to be included in the study was 226. The hospitals with less than 1000 births per annum were excluded from the list. Sample size determination To get an appropriate number of women to capture all major interventions, a sample size of 4040 women was finalized. It was decided to collect information from 40 women from each hospital to complete the data collection in an appropriate time without putting extra burden on the hospitals. For this purpose, 101 hospitals were randomly selected from the sampling frame and from each hospital
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Health Care Managmeant Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Health Care Managmeant - Personal Statement Example This suggests the need to comprehend that the health care management realms are usually seen with a skeptical eye because there is immense progress that can take place at any given time, provided there are proper funding measures undertaken by the Army as well as other institutions which are running the health care management domains. The nature of this change has to be incremental but at times it is in a one-step process as well. The magnitude of this change is one that overtakes the last incremental changes which were done earlier and which shall replace the old ones in an instant (Savage, 2007). This is required so that the stakeholders can heave a sigh of relief with regards to the building up of proper management realms, which would essentially dictate the way the people receive health care which is a mandatory requirement on their part. The planning stages of change incorporation would mean that the organization is ready to go out of its domains and bring about the significant pointers which shall bear success for the people, the processes and the institutions in entirety. References Savage, G., 2007. A retrospective on access to health care. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 20(6)
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Problem of Evil in a Divinely Created Reality Essay
The Problem of Evil in a Divinely Created Reality - Essay Example So, why do animals should feel pain and suffering? Why humans have to feel pain and suffering, even if their grand grandmother Eve was tempted by the Devil and now other people have to pay for her sins? Is God so cruel that he cannot forgive and forget? Why did he create a divine world, full of glory and bless if it is accessible only for those people, who did not make any sins? Evil is juxtaposition to deity. If there was no evil, people would not be able to compare it with the goodness or deity. Moreover, God created Heaven and Hell, life on the Earth and afterlife. There is an evident binary development of divine reality. Moreover, there are two types of evil: moral and physical. When committing a moral evil, a human being is committing it willfully (abortion, theft, murder etc); when committing physical evil, a human being commits it in the result of natural harm (such as famine, illness etc). The question is what for God created morally ill people or people, who are able to act in a morally evil way (Rachels and Rachels, 2008). Still, humans make their choice themselves. Moral evil is not instilled into people by God. God gives humans an opportunity to make a choice whether to commit evil or not; it is a test for morality and spiritual obedience. Therefore, moral evil is the result of our choice and it is another side of free will. Every person can make his own choice how to live, how to behave and if to commit evil or not. And of course, the further life of the person depends on the choice made. There are many other questions with respect to this issue, which deserve special attention and should be discussed. Now, let us consider whether suffering and pain are the same or different for people and animals (DeGrazia and Rowan, 1991). First of all, let us discard the notion that God is blamed for the existence of evil in the world. There was an intention creation of moral agents of God, who would supposedly create evil, but still these agents exist and for t heir evil deeds they suffer or experience pain. People may experience either physiological or psychological pain. These types of pain are different. The former kind of pain can be experienced by both humans and animals, while the second type of pain can be experienced only by humans. The concept of suffering has a more general meaning and it encompasses negative content of unpleasant emotions, anxiety, anger, fear, confusion etc (Derbyshire and Jones, 2011). Though suffering can be experienced without pain, it may trigger numerous factors of negative emotions or feelings. The scope of suffering is more impressive than the scope of negative experience, caused by pain. Therefore, God triggers negative emotions of humans in order to manipulate their actions and to direct the society in the right moral direction. At the same time he shows an option of deviance, which will lead to suffering and pain. There is no intention to punish humans or non-humans, there is an intention to support b inary relations on the Earth, which are determined between deity and evil. Life of humans and animals is a constant struggle for their existence and struggle against the surrounding dangers and threats. Thus, God does not intend to intimidate or destruct the humans and non-humans. He intends to make them use to realities of divinely created life in order they could survive in the real world. Works cited 1. DeGrazia, David and Rowan, Andrew. â€Å"Pain, suffering, and anxiety in animals and humans.â€
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Tesco in India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 7
Tesco in India - Essay Example The various segments of this research paper comprise a brief study of cross-cultural management, impact of cultural diversity on international firms and a relevant analysis of cross-cultural scenario related to TESCO’s store location, possible conflicts and methods of resolving. In the contemporary business world where every organisation wants a global presence, cultural variation is no more a new aspect. Cultural diversity in terms of behaviour, language and communication is observed in different areas of management (Kottak, 2011). This cultural variation stems from the involvement of employees with different cultural backgrounds (Triandis, 2001). Multi-national companies are currently expanding to as many countries as possible and this has brought cultural differences in the workplace (Chevrier, 2003). For a management to operate successfully, it is necessary that the workforce interact with each other without considering background, religion, cultural and linguistic differences. This is why a number of multi-national companies with workers from different parts of the world are working successfully in Middle East and western countries (Kawar, 2012). However, there are examples of failure of multi-national companies such as, Nestle, who was unsuccessful to sell baby food in impoverished market of Africa because their assumptions went wrong (HSBC, 2012). To understand the concept of cross-cultural approach, it is important to understand the term ‘culture’. One’s culture is inculcated since childhood as a result of influence from parents, family members, teachers, playmates and neighbourhoods (Harrison and Huntington, 2000). Culture is an integration of values, tradition, ethics, language, religion, life style and verbal and non-verbal expressions. It conditions one’s intellect and behaviour pattern. Culture is classified as generic culture and local culture. While local culture is a set of
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Weibo And Chinese Society Essay Example for Free
Weibo And Chinese Society Essay The new media, different from television, magazines, books or paper-based publications, is a new form of mass communication, which contains technologies that enable digital interactivity. For example, websites, video games, Internet all belong to the new media. Currently, the new media is becoming increasingly popular and sharply changing people’s life. The advent of Weibo in China is one of the most prominent examples, which is also the topic I am going to analyze in this passage. Chinese Weibo, similar to twitter used worldwide, is a micro blog, by which people can post words, pictures and videos on the Internet. The general public or the organization can create their own account easily and share things with their followers so they can communicate freely with each other. Some celebrities and government officials also own weibo accounts and in this way, weibo helps to create a two-way communication between famous people and Chinese Internet users. Research showed that people spend at least one hour per day checking Weibo messages on their cellphones or on their laptops, while spend only fifteen minutes on reading newspapers. It is very common in current Chinese society to see people using weibo every day to check the latest news, share daily life, or chat with friends, etc. 1 Nearly fifty percent of the Internet users in China have Weibo accounts and use it regularly. Among these people, most of them are from the younger generation who are more open-minded to the new technology. This paper consists of two parts. The first part aims to understand the effects weibo has made ten years from now on Chinese society. The second part talks about Chinese government policy and the progress China has made reflected by the proliferation of weibo. Speaking of the impact of this new media, weibo has impressively changed the traditional mass media. Prior to the turn of the century, only journalists with an official degree can be reporters and public news, which they thought were newsworthy. However, in nowadays, with the advent of weibo, the general public can be the first one to reveal something important happened around them by posting weibo using only forty Chinese characters. Sometimes these posts can be the sources of the news on next day’s newspaper. For example, on March 2013 a man robbed a store and fell down on his way running. This accident was firstly recorded by a citizen who happened to pass by in that neighborhood. Then he quickly posted this on weibo and called the police. Immediately, this post was reposted thousand times and known to many people in this city. Later on, the newspaper bought the pictures taken by the weibo user and published as the next day’s headline news. In this way, the general public is helping professional journalists find newsworthy things happened around them and change the traditional humdrum way of publishing. 2 In addition, the extensive use of weibo is acting like a supplement of paper- version reports. Every famous news agency has their own weibo accounts, whenever there was an influential news, there would be a short post to give people a brief introduction of what happened. Also, weibo can be a place where the journalists post updates in a continuous event. For example, when the missing airplane MH370 accident happened this year, every progress the rescue group had made was posted through weibo. While we were waiting anxiously for the latest news–if there were survivors, how was their family numbers, where was the plane, what caused this crash, etc. several news agencies post the latest contents immediately when there were new discoveries. The general public simply need to refresh their weibo to look for the latest news, which makes it more convenient and quickly. The advent of weibo also has tremendous impact on the daily life of the general public. Firstly, weibo users can follow official accounts based on their interests–what kind of news they care about most, which celebrities they esteem and want to know more about. For instance, a person likes sports might follow soccer players and other sports news related accounts. A person cares about health might become a fan of Chinese Healthy Diet on weibo. In this way, the weibo users can conveniently receive information specifically 3 what they want to know by using the Internet. Moreover, by reposting these weibos, weibo users can share the interested news with other followers and show the support for the original weibo user. Besides that, weibo users can also follow private accounts, which consist of one’s family members, friends and co-workers. Even if people cannot meet each other every day, they can still keep in touch and let others know what happened in their life by posting weibo. In the current society, weibo is a good communication tool to help promote the interaction between people who are busy working or studying every day and cannot meet each other because they live far away. My own example can best illustrate this point. I study abroad, which means I can only meet my family members and friends once a year. But I regularly post on weibo about what I have learned, what I have done, how I feel, etc. My friends can like or comment on my posts so we would not feel so far from my life in a remote country. The use of the micro blog also provoked great repercussion on the whole society, especially on the political field. Since a two-way communication between government officials and the general public was built up based on the proliferation of weibo. Almost every civic servant in China has their weibo account and is required to post their weekly work publicly. If Internet users have problems with the policy or officials’ behaviors, they can comment under the post or send a private letter 4 through weibo. It is the government officials’ duty to reply in time to the citizens and explain every action they take until the askers receive a satisfied answer. Making sure that the general public has a clear understanding of what the government is doing is a task for government officials through their communication on weibo. It is also common for people to show their support to certain policy or government officials through the use of weibo. Due to the impressive influence it has on the whole society, once a post was sent by a civic servant or a department in the government, it would be repost at once by thousands of Internet users who advocate this proposal. Therefore, with the power of the weibo users, it is easy to distinguish if an action or policy by the government is welcomed to the public in society. On the other hand, weibo can dramatically help to supervise the political system and other charitable organizations. Before the proliferation of weibo, it is relatively hard for the public to directly oversee the behaviors of the authorities and social groups. This kind of supervision is mostly achieved by the specialized department set up to keep an on the behaviors of the government officials. However, nowadays, people can freely post anything they discovered in their daily life and keep an eye on the celebrities what they have posted through weibo. The weibo users also supervise the misbehaviors of government officials in political field and urged the related to investigate. 5 Two examples happened in 2011 and 2012 Chinese society can best help to explain this point. In 2011, a weibo user with the account number Meimei Guo posted several micro blogs about her Maserati and big houses. And her title was the manager of the Chinese Red Cross, which was revealed in her weibo profile. This made the weibo users pretty confused: where did all her money come from? How can she afford such luxury? With more and more people paying attention to this young girl with such unusual background, the Red Cross was forced to response to this issue. Although that this organization clarified it had no connection with Meimei Guo, the public do not think that is the real truth. Also, the Public Security Bureau began to investigate the relationship between Meimei Guo and the Red Cross. Specially, they suspect this so-called manager had improper relationship with the chairman of the board, so she could have access to the money people donated to the Red Cross and used it for big houses and Maserati. Later after the Meimei Guo affair, the Red Cross was mistrust by the public for a long time and was required by the relevant department to reveal its budget to the society and become completely transparent. Another case happened in 2012 was triggered by one picture taken by a weibo user in a car accident scene. The post on weibo showed that in this kind of 6 occasion, the government official was smiling instead of grieving for the hurt people, which made the general public angry. Afterwards, this official was severely criticized by the people on weibo. People even found out all his other pictures taken in different occasions to see if he was eligible to be a civic servant. Eventually, people found that in many pictures, he wore different costly watches, which were not accordance with his income earned from his job. With more and more people doubted the sources of the money, relevant department began to investigate in this case. They found out that a large amount of the money of his fortune was from corruption. This official used the convenience of his position to make money for a long time so he had money to afford expensive watches and big houses. As a result, this official was â€Å"sent â€Å"by the weibo users into prison. Of course, the spread of weibo is a two-edged sword,which means it can also exert negative effects on society. For instance, there is a group of people who open weibo accounts only to sell products, which makes the Internet environment full of commercials. It is difficult to regulate these commercials because it is hard to tell if the product is of good quality based on the limited information weibo posts can provide. Also, the freedom people possess when they use weibo makes the online environment increasingly complex. Diverse people holding totally different opinions can equally and freely express on weibo. On rare cases, immoral people purposely release fake news to the public in order to tarnish others’ reputation or cause a society panic. The general public might get confused based on the complicated information they receive. 7 There was once a water company being framed by a piece of news in Beijing Daily. It reported that the water from Nongfu Company was not clean and could not achieve the water standard in China. Later on, this news was posted by several weibo users without testing its accuracy. Along with the spread of this breaking news all over the weibo environment, this company got stuck in trust crisis and had a significant decline in monthly sales. Thousands of Internet users showed their anger and disappointment to this water company and the news was reposted in a large scale. However, when Nongfu Company went to test its water in the Quality Supervision Bureau, the result showed Nongfu water was clean and had achieved the water standard. It turned out the news was distorted and afterwards misused by the weibo users. This example showed that it is equally easy for both the truth and fake news spread out through weibo and the latter would absolutely damage the social order to some degree. The spread of Weibo and its effects can be the introduction of the second part of this paper, which explains the Chinese society progress and the government policy. Because of the significant impact weibo exerts on Chinese society, the government has taken specific measures to regulate the weibo environment. Moreover, the policies, being increasingly flexible and allowing for more freedom, can reflect the Chinese progress in recent ten years. Fifty years ago, Chinese people were not used to freely speak in the public at all, nor were they allowed to criticize the government officials and the policy. In my 8 father’ generation, people who dared speak out the actual evaluation of one policy might even end up being caught into prison because they were considered too aggressive. Almost every thing they said or did was under the guidance of the government. People did not have a way to express their thoughts, not to mention giving advice to the government. Obedience blindly might be the best words to describe the people living in that period. However, in the new era, with more rights are given to the general public, people are changing their mind accordingly. They begin to say something in public instead of stubbornly listening to the authority. Weibo is an excellent tool to help achieve this transformation within this background. With the advent of weibo, people are having a channel to easily express themselves. They can set up an account and apply their personal design to the home page. They can post words and pictures. These weibo contents do not limit to their daily life about what they have done and how they feel which are mainly shared with their friends and family members. Weibo users can also use the micro blog to comment on recent events happened in China and in the international scale. For example, after the plane crash MH370, many weibo users criticized the inappropriate behaviors of the Malaysia government and airplanes. Another example would be the lawsuit in 2011. The driver, whose father is Gang Li–a government official, was interrogated in court because he triggered a car accident, which caused one people dead and one people severely injured. Hundreds of weibo users posted on Internet their complaints because they thought the court was treating this criminal inequity due to his special social 9 status. This case reflects a big progress which not only means the government is giving more freedom to people, but also means people are more willing to discuss the current affair and becoming the masters of their own country. Still, I cannot deny that there are restrictions on weibo use. Offensive words and pornographic contents are definitely not allowed to exit on Weibo. Besides, the regulation on political field is relatively strict compared to the policies used to regulate the Internet in other countries. However, even if there are certain amount of restrictions on the contents people can post, it is too a large degree progressive compared to before. The limitations are primarily in political area, especially when the reputation and safety of central government were threatened by aggressive speech on weibo. If happened, the relevant accounts might be suspended and the posts would be deleted as soon as being found. Moreover, this weibo user might even be arrested if the post had caused a severely negative effect within the whole society. This is a comparatively strict punishment compared to the policies made on pornographic or fake news. To the latter one, the account might still be used. Only the specific weibo contains pornographic or violence contents would be deleted by the administrator. The policies in sensitive period in China, (for example, when minorities groups were trying to split China) are harsh compared to that in normal times. The government is controlling weibo environment to stop the rumors, which aim to cause social panic. During that special period, Internet users even cannot post 10 weibos including sensitive words such as â€Å"split of China††The independence of Tibet†or the names of the sensitive characters in the political fight. All in all, Chinese society is making progress in the new millennium, not only in terms of economics, but also in political and cultural area. The policy and laws enacted by the government guarantee freedom and democracy to the public. Chinese people’s minds are opening to the world and becoming more autonomous accordingly. They use weibo to share their life, enjoy the rights they are accorded to help master the country. It is not possible for the social organization or government to block a piece of news they do not want the public to know any more. With the extensive use of weibo, all the information around them and directly affect them would spread quickly and has a significant effect within the whole society. People have already stepped into a new era with the extensive use of weibo and the old days will never come back.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Mahashian di hatti limited | Analysis
Mahashian di hatti limited | Analysis INTRODUCTION Mahashian Di Hatti Limited is an INDIAN manufacturer, distributor and exporter of ground spices and spice mixtures under the brand name MDH. It specializes in several unique traditional blends of spices suitable for different recipes (Chana Masala for chickpeas, for example). The company was founded in 1919 by Mahashay Chuni Lal as a small shop in Sialkot. It has since grown in popularity all over India, and exports its products to several countries. It is associated with Mahashay Chuni Lal Charitable Trust HISTORY Mahashay Chuni Lal started the enterprise in Sialkot (now in Pakistan) on April 13, 1919. In a few years, the spices became very famous and they came to be known as Deggi Mirch Wale (the Pot Chilli People), after the name of one of their famous spice mixtures. After the partition of India, Mahashay Dharam Pal, the son of the founder, shifted to Delhi and opened up his shop at Ajmal Khan Road, Karol Bagh under the banner Mahashian Di Hatti of Sialkot (Deggi Mirch wale). The name Mahashian Di Hatti means the Shop of the Magnanimous in Punjabi GROWTH The company initially relied on hand-ground spices, but has since shifted to automated machines, with a capacity of producing 30 tonnes of packaged spices in a day. There are large fully automatic manufacturing plants at Delhi, Gurgaon (Haryana), Nagpur (Rajasthan), Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) and Amritsar (Punjab). It has now a network of over 1000 wholesalers and over 4 lakh retail dealers in India. It was ranked 490th among the unlisted Indian companies in 2000-01. MDH pioneered the marketing of powdered spice mixtures in handy attractive packages. It has been co-opted as member of several committees of the Bureau of Indian Standards. In the last few years, the Exports Division of the company has started exporting the spices to several countries including UK, other European countries, Canada, United States, Japan and Switzerland FAMOUS PRODUCTS The MDH brand name is very well known throughout India. The products sold under the brand name include single spices (such as chili, coriander and turmeric) as well as blended spice mixtures. There are over 45 products available in over 100 different packages. The more famous ones are Chana Masala (for chickpeas), Sambar Masala (for Sambar), Kitchen King (for vegetables), Chunky Chaat Masala (for chaat), Garam Masala (hot spice, multi-purpose) and Chicken Masala. In addition to spices, it also manufactures incense sticks, Ayurvedic tooth powder and havan samagri, a mixture for Hindu ritual sacrifices. PRODUCTS We offer a wide and comprehensive range of products, which include: Wheat Flour SPECIES INCENSE STICKS AYURVEDIC INFRASTRUCTURE We are empowered with a state-of-the-art infrastructure, requisite technology, efficient transport facilities and superb working environment. We possess a spacious warehouse which can store large quantities of products. We are backed by a well-qualified and technical team of astute technocrats, business oriented professionals and diligent workers, who are highly experienced and have a thorough knowledge in the relevant field. The team is capable of sourcing large volumes of products to satisfy the customer demands and specifications. We possess one of Asias largest Wheat Flour Manufacturing Plant which is installed in our in-house production unit. We have the capacity to produce 3000 mt. Wheat Flour as per the European Standards on daily basis. Our wide network of distributors and suppliers are scattered all over the globe ensuring the customers of safe, smooth and punctual delivery of products. BUSINESS MISSION We will strive as a corporation,to gain trust from customers and continue to grow in strength. Make an effort on a daily basis to keep every customer satisfied,by offering every area of business, competitive products and services of superior quality thereby contributing to society. Having mutually satisfying interactions with customers through products Not being content with the present reality, continually striving for betterment and improvement, and accepting the challenge t Creating an environment in which each individual can apply their greatest strengths, an environment in which results will be evaluated correctly, and in these contexts, using our collective strengths to the fullest. Continuing to act in righteous ways, as good members of society MARKETING OBJECTIVE Strengthening brand name competitiveness With consumer requirements of tasty, safe and convenient as a basis, detailed analytical assessment of changing consumer demand is becoming vitally important in the food industry. Hereafter, in addition to guaranteeing quality and taste, MDH will analyze market data even to the extent of product quantity and shape, in hopes of predicting forthcoming trends and reflect these in the development of new products SITUATION ANALYSIS Growing interest in healthy eating and convenience has set the pace for this growth. Consumers have been boosting their consumption of whole grains. At the same time, they are buying more highly processed convenience foods like sandwiches, pizzas, and tortillas which often contain large amounts of flour. This situation reflects a turnaround in flours fortunes. . . Types of Flour Wheat flour is the primary grain product consumed in the United States. Thats apparent in the wide variety of food products prepared from flour: packaged flour for home baking, bakery mixes, breads, cakes, cookies, crackers, and pastas. Flour is also used in breakfast cereals, gravies, and soups. Overall, products classified in the bread and cake industry Roller flour mills, producing wheat products like atta, maida and suji are struggling for survival, since wheat has vanished from the markets in india such as uttar Pradesh. Many mills have closed down while others were running at less then 50 per cent of their total capacity utilisation. The total annual installed capacity of Uttar Pradesh was 40 lakh million tonne at one time. COMPETITOR ARE; Shakti bhog 10-15% market share Annapurna 40% market share Pillsbury approx 5-10% These are the competitors of MDH aata as we see Annapurna has the leading market share as number one brand so for to compete with we use latest technology so that amount of vitamins,minerals maintains a high rate. TECHNOLOGY The machines used by us is of latest technology which made good quality aata which is free from moisture,humidity contains an appropriate amount of vitamins, proteins starch carbohydrates which is useful for customer. For to satisfy the customer needs we take care so that cost reduces profit increases with quality of product. SWOT ANALYSIS The strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis provides a snapshot of MDH AATAinternal strengths weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. STRENGTHS 1MDH is Indias largest industry producing spices having a prestigious image in the mind of consumers. RD expenditure is very high in all other existing segments as well as for its MDH aata. Shri Dharmpal ji the Founder of MDH is extremely knowledgeable, personally and financially dedicated to making the business a success. ‘ Just In Time Production Active and committed advisory council. Well developed distribution network. WEAKNESSES Though it has considerable anecdotal information the company is lacking of marketing research. Internal dispute among its subsidiary companies OPPORTUNITIES To capture the market share as using the latest technology.. MDH which is new for Indian Flour industry Government policies like the automatic approval for FDI up to 100% Introduction of new products Online activities, online buying 6 .Easy availability of credit, lower interest rate and higher consumer confidence and gradual recovery witnessed in business cycle. THREATS The major threat comes from rich and big competitors who dominate the Indian market. From companies like Annapurna having market share more than 40% TARGET MARKET STRATEGY As MDH producing its new product that is aata so it has to target the market where he lacks .generally branded aata is purchased in urban region not in rural area.So it our target to capture the market rural as well as urban so that we cater the needs and provide satisfication to customer along with getting market share. And to provide the goods and services in the region where lacks so that market size increases. VALUE CONSIOUS Those that are looking for the ideal combination of high fuel economy and low maintenance cost in long run at an affordable price. All three groups are likely to be exposed to the same degree of outdoor and ambient advertising. It is difficult to estimate the exact size of each group, but most buyers will be a mix of all three and not only one reason will motivate a purchase. The overall size of these groups is probably fairly small and will explain why products are not more common yet. CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES Objectives are important to clarify and set an objective set of targets that ought to be achieved by the planned actions. Objectives exist on three levels; Corporate, marketing and communication. Corporate objective can be summarized as shareholder wealth maximization and is ultimately achieved through higher profits and increased sales. Marketing objectives are the successful introduction of a Marketing communication activities are a vital part in achieving the above two and have to be Coordinated with all other company activities (production, sales, purchasing). Strengthening the relationship with the MDH brand. Increase the consideration of MDH when planning to purchase flour. The target market should be reached as fully as possible Customer and Consumers have to be made aware of a new product and its brand name. PUBLIC RELATIONS â€Å"The development and maintenance of good relationships with different public groups†. Public relations are useful because they enjoy a high credibility at a low cost, but the exact message cannot be controlled. This communication form will be of major importance for the MDH campaign as many buyers draw their information from the media. Personal selling is very important because a car is a high involvement product and affords more Conviction for purchase which is given by PS. personal selling will be carried out by the local dealers who in advance should have been trained to be familiar with the MDH Atta (dealership launch material, conferences) and its advantages and how to overcome objections. CREATIVE STRATEGY The MDH Atta offers features that no other product offers. These unique selling points should be emphasized in the promotions and any barriers to purchase are weakened at the same time (unique selling Proposition strategy). To appeal to the target market promotions should promote the car and its users to be innovative imaginative, bold, intelligent, revolutionary and pioneering. It would make sense to create different executions to target one of the three mindsets identified in the target market and emphasizing their reasons to buy and refute their individual barriers to buy. MARKETING MIX PRODUCT As product is sum total of tangible and intangible attributes including productdesign, style,size, quality, colour,brand name ,labeling etc. So we produce the product in such a way which has all the qualities so that customer takes the proper benefit. Here in case of aata we produce it in such a way so that it carry all the features of good product.. PLACE/DISTRIBUTION Place is the distribution mix. It is concerned with the smooth flow of goodsandservices from the producer to consumer by creating time, place and possession utility. It signifies two things namely physical distribution and the channels of distribution.It also includes transportation, warehousing, inventory control,wholeselling etc. So we create the utility in such a way so that there is proper distribution of goods.. PRICE Price is the value of a product expressed in terms of money.It is a matter of vital importance to the buyer or seller.Exchange of goods and services takes place when buyer is willing to purchase at the proper price. As in case of this aata we set the price in such a way so that it will low then the competitor price and it is of better quality. We set the price in such a way so that their will be proper profit margin, considering the terms of credit and other policies. PROMOTION SALES PROMOTION Monetary incentives to buy, is most effective to trigger a decision or purchase. SP is useful at the beginning of the product life cycle to increase acceptance or provoke a trial. MDH is selling the aata beneath its production cost. However an additional third party sales promotion mechanism has been put into place: Power shift, a government backed agency, To get the biggest benefit out of this MDH should advertise this fact. Otherwise SP should be used spontaneously once a slowdown in sales can be detected (PLC). ADVERTISING a paid form of non-personal mass communication from an identified sponsor, should be the major communication mix ingredient for this campaign. Advertising is controllable, but expensive esp. TV. Advertising can be used to increase awareness, create interest and inform about MDH AATA USPs. Customers or consumer are reached by placing adverts in their target media. Direct mail in the form of newsletters can useful for this campaign to create awareness (pre launch) and inform or offer of opportunity to book a test drive. MDH has already a database in place but can also buy further data. Direct mail is also important when targeting the corporate buyers and provides them with detailed information about the MDH. PACKAGING Packaging is supposed to be the fifth P in marketing. After product, price, place and promotion, packaging is the element which holds the maximum importance in the marketing of a product. As majority of the purchase decisions are made in store, we ensure that our products are attractively packed so as to capture the attention of the buyers. Our products are packaged in different quantities depending upon the different segment and market. MARKETING RESEARCH Good marketer wants insight to help them interpret past performance as well as plan future activities. They need timely, accurate and actionable information about consumers competition and their brands .they also need to make the best possible tactical decisions in the long run. Discovering a consumer insight and understanding its marketing implication can often lead to a successful product launch or spur the growth of the brand. MDHis doing extensive marketing research to understand consumers preferences and also the competitors strategies. It has a separate RD department which conducts online as well as offline surveys to know what consumers think about its offerings and what are their feedbacks The financial objective is to be financially solvent within the first two years of operation. The various expenditure on various operational activities are as follow- Online advertising; button and banner advertising on automotive websites and on online sites of target media Rs 1, 000, 000 Direct Mail news Letter Rs 500000 TV short Rs 3,00000 Print Rs 3, 00000 Outdoor RS 1, 00000 Sponsorship of MDH target group relevant events, celebrity Endorsement Sales Promotion, to be Confirmed Rs 20000000 Other: Promotions Sales Promotion Personal Dealer activity absorbed in Overheads Testing end of campaign Evaluation Rs 20000000 First year total: Rs 4,00000000.Second year total: Rs 3,00000000 .Third year total; Rs 2,000,00000 Considering the small target group of the MDH and the small projected sales figures a budget of Rs 9million over three years seems appropriate, however I would recommend reallocating the budget. That way the launch period communications can be intensified. Three years are also likely to correspond to the Product of this since car manufacturer have increased their output to keep demand high. ORGANSATIONAL STRUCTURE AND PLAN As well established company Reliance currently has many members on its staffs. However its automobile section is new. As this section matures into a stable and profitable organization the need for employees will grow. The first forseeable employee need is in the area of sales. The plan is to hire salespersons in early 2009 to allow Mr. Dharmpal ji to continue his consulting on a regular basis ,while at the same time ensuring a steady supply of for continued development efforts. To obtain the financial flexibility needed to manage its cash flow successfully the company has made contractors a significant component of its workforce SALES OBJECTIVE Sales of Rs 350,000,0 by the end of 2009,sales of Rs 1 million by the year 2011 and by the year 2013 sales of Rs 3 billion SUMMARY The recommended marketing and communications strategy that makes use of advertising, PR, new media and direct mail. Personal selling will be provided by the existing network of local dealers. Advertising will use TV, Print and outdoor media to initiate purchases. The Internet will play an important role for both advertising and direct mail, using a modern medium to underline the advanced character of this aata. However that this plan so far is only a model/ plan, and not definitive, it can and is likely to change esp. if pre or post-testing give negative results. Before realizing the proposed action a long planning period with frequent meetings of all parties is necessary to ensure the integrity and unanimous messages of the campaign. REFRENCES Financial Times 1999 2001. Various issues. Key Note. 2002. The Green Ethical Consumer. Market Assessment. Varey, Richard. 2002. Marketing Communication. London: Routledge. 4. Pickton, David and Broderick, Amanda. 2001. Integrated Marketing Communications. Harlow:Prentice Hall 5. Fitzgerald, Maureen and Arnott, David. 2000. Marketing Communications Classics. London: Business Press, Thomson Learning Westwood, John. 1990. The Marketing Plan. London: Kogan Page Limited.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
INFLUENZA Essay -- essays research papers
INFLUENZA      A virus called an Orthomyxovirus causes influenza. Often called flu, sometimes-even grippe. It is a very contagious disease, and it infects many parts of our bodies. This also includes are lungs. A person can get influenza if someone coughs, sneezes, or even talks around you while they are infected. Influenza is sometimes considered serious in some cases but can be prevented and treated.      When you get the â€Å"flu†in the lungs, the lining of the respiratory tract is damaged by becoming swollen and inflamed. But the damage is not always permanent, and tissue heals within a couple of weeks. It is a respiratory disease, even though it infects the whole body.      The victims’ symptoms usually are fever, chills, weakness, loss of appetite and body, head, back, arm, and leg ache. If you have the disease you may also suffer sore throat, a dry cough, nausea, and burning red eyes. Usually the victim will have nasal congestion and mucus discharge. The fever can reach to about 104*F but it only lasts about 2-3 days then it recedes. Occasionally in more severe cases there will also be gastrointestinal upset. In short, after all these horrible symptoms the patient still feels exhausted a series of days after the flu is gone.      Healthy people have nothing to worry about really when it comes to influenza. It is a moderately severe illness and people are usually back on...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Continued Importance of Books Essay -- essays research papers
Many people don’t realize the potential of books. It is a highly emotional even when a serious book collector takes a well bound book of favorite content into his or her hands; it is as though they are holding and cherishing an invaluable and exquisite piece of art. Books have been an issue of many of religions and even militant factions and yet, they remain today providing us with places to go, an escape from reality, and higher knowledge. First and foremost, books are free voyages to anywhere in the world. You can open a book and with the flick of your eyes and the will of your imagination, be where ever the book takes you. If the book is about Ireland, then you can read about the country as though you were there and the only limitations as to how real it may be, is your own imaginatio...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Michael E. Porters Five Forces In Pepsi :: Business Strategy
   Introduction The model of the Five Competitive Forces was developed by Michael E. Porter in his book "Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors" in 1980. Since that time it has become an important tool for analyzing an organizations industry structure in strategic processes.  Porters model is based on the insight that a corporate strategy should meet the opportunities and threats in the organizations external environment. Especially, competitive strategy should base on and understanding of industry structures and the way they change. Porter has identified five competitive forces that shape every industry and every market. These forces determine the intensity of competition and hence the profitability and attractiveness of an industry. The objective of corporate strategy should be to modify these competitive forces in a way that improves the position of the organization. Porters model supports analysis of the driving forces in an industry. Based on the information derived from the Five Forces Analysis, management can decide how to influence or to exploit particular characteristics of their industry.      The Five Competitive Forces The Five Competitive Forces are typically described as follows: 1         Bargaining Power of Suppliers The term 'suppliers' comprises all sources for inputs that are needed in order to provide goods or services. Supplier bargaining power is likely to be high when:  ·Ã‚      The market is dominated by a few large suppliers rather than a fragmented source of supply,  ·Ã‚      There are no substitutes for the particular input,  ·Ã‚      The suppliers customers are fragmented, so their bargaining power is low,  ·Ã‚      The switching costs from one supplier to another are high,  ·Ã‚      There is the possibility of the supplier integrating forwards in order to obtain higher prices and margins. This threat is especially high when  ·Ã‚      The buying industry has a higher profitability than the supplying industry,  ·      Forward integration provides economies of scale for the supplier,  ·      The buying industry hinders the supplying industry in their development (e.g. reluctance to accept new releases of products),  ·Ã‚      The buying industry has low barriers to entry. In such situations, the buying industry often faces a high pressure on margins from their suppliers. The relationship to powerful suppliers can potentially reduce strategic options for the organization. 2         Bargaining Power of Customers Similarly, the bargaining power of customers determines how much customers can impose pressure on margins and volumes. Customers bargaining power is likely to be high when  ·Ã‚      They buy large volumes, there is a concentration of buyers,  ·Ã‚      The supplying industry comprises a large number of small operators
Marx’s Theory of Alienation Essay
Marx used the ‘theory of alienation†to expose what he claimed as a highly exploitative, unfair social relationship existing in a capitalist system which effectively divides society into two opposing groups. He argued that this unfair social relationship came into being because of the â€Å"concept of private property†which, according to him, refers to a situation where the means of production (such as factories and plants) are owned by private persons. This private ownership of the means of production gave birth to the two antagonistic social classes: â€Å"the property owners [or the capitalists] and the propertyless workers.†(Alienation, n.d.)            According to Marx, here lies the first alienation of the workers in a capitalist society. The capitalists own the means of production and the workers have only their labor to sell so that they could survive. Using the plants and factories at their disposal, the capitalists utilize the labor of the workers to enrich themselves by producing â€Å"surplus value†or profit. What worsens the situation for the workers is the fact that capitalists, in order to increase their profit or maximize their surplus value, are disposed to keep wages to the minimum, often barely enough for workers to live a humanely comfortable life. Needless to say, the lower the wages paid to workers, the greater the profit for the capitalists. (Alienation, n.d.) This led Marx to assert that under the capitalist system, the only way to go is for the workers to become poorer and for the capitalists to grow richer. He cited the fact that in capitalist societies, there is an ever increasing number â€Å"in the ‘working poor’ families who remain mired in poverty although every family member works, often more than one job †¦ [because] the wealth of the few depends on the poverty of the many.†(Introduction, n.d.) In other words, capitalism, according to Marx, was tailored so that capitalists who control the means of production should get rich and the workers, whose labor produce the coveted surplus value are shamelessly exploited.            Then the workers are alienated â€Å"from the activity of working†itself.  Marx claimed that workers in a capitalist society do not work because they want to, or enjoy what they do. Neither do they work to improve their lot nor to create a happier, more humane society. Rather, they work simply because they have to earn in order to live. In other words, Marx said that they are â€Å"forced†to work – implying that workers in a capitalist society are far from being happy individuals who have no control even over the course or objective of their labor. The decision rests solely on the capitalists who have already acquired control over their labor after paying for it. Since the only goal of capitalists is more profits, their only objective, therefore, is to utilize labor to gainful undertaking regardless of whether their enterprise benefits society or endangers it. Marx declared that â€Å"If greater profits can be made with weapons than with hula hoops, then that is where they will invest their capital.†In this context, workers who are anti-war are compelled to produce war materials. (Alienation, n.d.) Marx also suggested that in a capitalist society, people are alienated from one another. He argued that workers are not only â€Å"forced†to work under any conditions and for whatever purpose in order to survive – they are also kept separate from one another, pitted against each other. This is because in their desire to live, they have to compete for work. In their craving for a comfortable life, they have to practically elbow each other out for better-paying jobs. It is not only workers who are being alienated from their fellow workers. Capitalists also turn against other capitalists in their quest for profit and power. Marx said that this never-ending competition for jobs and profits â€Å"favors the most ruthless, at other times the most opportunistic or well-connected.†In fact, Marx insinuated that this rat race which characterizes life in a capitalistic society is the start of the process of the dehumanization of man. Their failure to shape society according to their needs, their desires, and their concept of civilization, completes the process because this ability to create the kind of society that they want is what distinguishes man from the lower forms of animal.  (Introduction, n.d.) References Alienation. (n.d.). Order #32797436 attachment. Introduction. (n.d.). Order #32797436 attachment.
Monday, September 16, 2019
A Day Without a Phone
Over this past weekend, when given the challenge to shut off my phone for 24 hours, I didn’t believe I could make it. My phone is probably involved in almost every activity I do throughout the day. Weather its taking notes down for my classes or tweeting my latest pointless thought. It guides me when its dark, tells me when its going to rain, and even notifies me when I get poked on Facebook. I can honestly admit to being one of those people who are completely dependent on their phones.Knowing this about myself I had to factor in three important variables; what day, what am I going to do, & of course how will I notify people of my whereabouts! Being the weekend and all, its kind of hard not being on the phone making plans for the night. How will I go about organizing a little get together with the close friends? So I thought to myself, Friday and Saturday are too important to be out of the loop. I finally made my decision that Sunday is perfect! I mean, who cares about Sunday? It’s a day of relaxation so I thought it would be perfect! Now I had to plan, what am I going to do. Earlier this weekend a friend of mine who was actually visiting from Florida had called me wanting to meet and catch up. Right before turning my phone off late Saturday I gave him a call explaining the situation, he laughed and told me to come pick him up from his aunts at 12 AM and to just simply get out of my car, walk to the front door, and knock. (Obviously texting a simple â€Å"here. †Would have been simpler).Besides that I thought I would just wing it and see where the day takes me. Now I just had one last issue, I got to hide it! Knowing myself pretty well, I knew it was a bad idea to have the phone around me, if I planned to actually commit to this. I decided to simply leave it in my mother’s possession for safekeeping. With these three issues resolved I’m now ready to, â€Å"slide to power off†. So Sunday begins. I woke up at around 11AM (kind of late due to the fact I couldn’t set the alarm on my phone).I got out of bed rushed out to the kitchen and looked at the oven for the time! I quickly proceeded to shower and get ready. At 12AM I arrived at my friends aunts house to pick him up, knocked on the door and he came right out (no big deal after all). We then went to lunch and spent a few hours talking and playing some call of duty on my Xbox. Without noticing, it was almost 6 at night! Wow! I was impressed. By this time I probably would have had to plug my phone in for the second charge of the day!Now it was time to go to the gym, I usually use my phone to play music but I had to bust out my little mp3 from back in the day. At the gym I’m rarely on the phone so this hour and a half went by swiftly has well. When I returned home I showered and started preparations to begin on my homework. It being 8PM now I thought the worse was over! So I read my 20 pages of Feed and did some of my history assignment and probably finished at around 9:30PM. At this point of the day I didn’t even remember I didn’t have my phone glued to my side.I realize now that having all those cool features and apps on my phone only makes me waist my time and procrastinate on the important things I should be doing. The last few hours till midnight I simply watched a few episodes of The Walking Dead to pass the time. It really wasn’t much of a challenge after all; it was actually very relieving not being involved in any social media and texting throughout the day. Perhaps I will make this an event for every Sunday!
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Nutrition concepts and controversies
Mammals, like humans, have a unique way of bearing an offspring. They carry this offspring in their womb for several days or months until their offspring are ready to face the world. This process is called pregnancy. In scientific terms, pregnancy is the phase from conception until birth wherein a fertilized develops into a fetus inside a mother’s womb. Pregnancy is a delicate situation, and needs utmost care and attention. During pregnancy, a mother is exposed to a lot of risks, so risky practices should be avoided. One practice that should be avoided is doing strenuous sports, particularly sports with risks of falling. A fall would cause an impact, and this impact may initiate the separation of placenta from the uterus, a condition known as placenta abruptio. This might cause an excessive loss of blood to the mother. Death to the unborn child would be the other risk. Another habit that should be avoided is smoking. This increases the risk of miscarriage for the mother, and possible health problems and lower birth weight for the offspring. This might also trigger an event known as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Another practice that should be avoided is drinking alcohol. A drunken mother is more prone to accidental fall which may trigger a miscarriage, and therefore excessive loss of blood or death of the unborn child. The child might also have some health problems after birth like a heart problem. Drinking great amounts of caffeine are also strictly prohibited for pregnant mothers. Caffeine affects the nervous system, making you more nervous, irritable and unable to sleep. Too much caffeine in a pregnant mother’s body might increase the likelihood of a miscarriage. This would either lead to excessive bleeding and loss of blood to the mother, and death to the offspring. Lastly, a pregnant mom should also avoid hot bath tubs and sauna baths/steams. These practices increase the core body temperature of the mother. This would increase heart rate to increase the blood flow on the body. It makes the heart work even harder and therefore might result to fainting. The increased heat in the environment of the fetus might also have a significant impact on the health of the child after birth. Reference: Children and Youth Health. (2007). Pregnancy – risks. Retrieved May 1, 2008 from Â
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Anna Todd Jennings Scholarship Essay
Yes, twenty four hour visitation is something all the students wish to have at some colleges but it’s not for all colleges. Some college students always look forward into having fun, playing, and being interactive with the opposite sex. You would never have any privacy time someone would always be in the suite with your roommate or out in the always making loud and disturbing noises. As she said,†Most of college students like to relax in nightgowns, T-shirts, or underwear in their rooms or halls.†Relationships could also become a distraction to the person that is trying to do homework, or trying to study for that big test in the morning. That person who is in that relationship may have that boy or girl in their room to talk or do anything they was planning on doing. So there would be no privacy for yourself not even for work you just might want to take a quick nap, or just relax and watch some television. See more: scholarship essay format Stealing is another big key problem you might have by having twenty four hour visitation. The doors would always be unlocked from people walking in and out not remembering to shut the door. That makes it easier for someone that doesn’t belong in your room to take your stuff. As she also said,†These people might be anything from pranksters to criminals, but anyone leaving a room unlocked would be taking a chance of be robbed or seriously harmed.†I know most parents if they found out their child belongings are missing they would be ready to find out who took their child stuff and that could lead to something even bigger than what it was. In the same way most of racism in any form is evil that should be opposed. Anna Todd scholarship could be another terrible thing because it has a lot of racial comments, or things about. It discriminates on certain religions when scholarships shouldn’t be that way. I feel like not only Anna Todd Jennings scholarship but any other scholarship should be for any student at their leisure. One of the financial aid office representatives says,†He knew about the racial restrictions on the scholarship but thought everyone had the right to apply.†These scholarships are not cheap be apply for and not being able to get it because of your racist. You will have to pay for transcripts, financial statements, pay to get the forms you would have to fill out, etc. Parents would be devastated if they here their child couldn’t get the scholarship because of their race. One student said, â€Å"If we do not take that money and use our education to topple the barriers of prejudice, we are giving the money to those who will use the money in the opposite fashion.†People would take action if they don’t change the scholarship rules. People would try to have riots, protest, or again try to take the founders money. If people don’t believe in racism and don’t want to those types of things to happen to our students and community they would have put and end to that racial act that the school tried to oppose. I hope by refusing to apply for the Anna Todd Jennings Scholarship and not letting twenty for hour visitation into dormitories would better out students and make them have an successful life and school year.
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