Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge Strategic Market Plan
Question: Discuss about the Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge for Strategic Market Plan. Answer: Introduction Strategic Marketing Planning is a documented process which unveils the precise methods that a firm can adopt to compete in the most effective manner in the market. This process has a prime aim to increase the sales for the company and plan out the most effective sustainable development strategies for it. As the business world is becoming dynamic day by day, hence, to strive and exhibit operations in such competitive era, a firm is compelled to innovate such ideas that are unique to its working strategies. So, marketing plan does the same for any emerging or a leading company. The plan comprises of guidelines that explains what specific actions are to be taken by a firm in a given timeframe so that the company achieve the set objectives to be in the competition. The process of strategic marketing planning is quite different from the ones in which the decisions are pre-decided and are just implemented without analyzing the situation in times of challenges. In strategic marketing planni ng the root cause of the challenge and the prevailing situations in the market at the time of challenge, both are analyzed equally. Also, in this process, the emerging problems are looked from the customers point of view and hence the developed strategies are highly customer- oriented which collectively works with a single motive of attaining customers satisfaction (Friedman, 2010). Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge is situated in the beautiful Egmont National Park, on the slopes of Mt. Taranaki. It is considered as the best location for the outdoor enthusiasts in the mountains. The ambience of the lodge gives a great relaxing feeling to the visitors and also offers a brilliant restaurant and bar with delicacies that satiates all sorts of taste buds. Apart from being so close to the nature, good hospitality services are also reflected in the comfortable and scheduled accommodation services offered by the lodge. Due to its consistent excellent services in the Tourism Sector of the company, the firm has received an Award of Excellence by two different websites, based on the guests reviews and feedbacks (Allen, 2011). The following report is written to critically analyze the marketing strategies of Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge situated in New Zealand. Major section of this work deals with the current target markets for the firm and the potential markets where the firm could think for its further expansion. Due to digitization, most of the promotional channels for emerging businesses are Internet-based. The lodge too has an interactive website which offers a wide range of options, aiding the customers to select the best package for their holidays. Hence, this report also talks about the companys website and myriads of reformations that are to be installed in this communication channel. There has also been a discussion over the strategies that could be adopted by the firm to increase its customer base by attracting gold and platinum consumers from the lucrative foreign and domestic markets (Kobayashi, 2016, pp. 1-18). The last two portions of the report reveal a conclusion and recommendation sections which justify whether the current strategies are enough for the sustenance of the firm in the Tourism industry and if not, then what are the recommendations that are to be worked upon in order to expand and retain the important tourists coming from all over the globe. Current and Potential Target Markets Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge has focused on quality, luxurious and individualized accommodations for such travelers who want a break from their hassle life. The current targeted customers for the lodge are the ones who want an individualistic environment imbibed by the natures serene elements. The lodge followed a slogan home away from home to gather a number of return customers (Groenestein, 2015). The major market segments of the lodge include tourists who want to skip from their monotonous city life and the researchers who want to discover the secrets behind the natures beauty. As the location of the lodge is near a Nature Park, hence, the prices are also exorbitant as this Nature Park is located in a remote area where acquisition of resources is quite costly. So the people who can afford a luxurious stay could only enjoy its services. The exorbitant services offered at the lodge allow the customers to enjoy both the scenic beauty and a relaxing stay at the same time (Ivanov, 2014, pp. 15-30). The target market also includes professional visitors to the region from the forest and wildlife industries. The lodge could provide facilities for day use of conference facilities, room nights for visiting executives and long stay professional guests. According to Kozak and Martin (2012), a new set of tourists is arising which have their own individualized tastes and expectations with the destinations and their stay. Hence, the lodge could follow this principle to cater the specific needs of the people by analyzing a good range of markets both at the domestic as well as at the international level. The lodge has been successful in attracting a number of rich customers who can afford leisure over basic needs. But as the National Park area is open for all types of customers and a number of middle and upper- middle class tourists and local people visits this spot, hence, these could act as the lodges future customers. The demographics of the country unveil that the major portion of the population is formed by the middle and upper- middle class people (Paul, Arajo, Carlos, 2015). The introduction of technology and other job opportunities in the country have succeeded in improving the lifestyle of the citizens. Now, they could also spe nd a good amount of their salary over their vacations and holidays. Hence, as the company is planning to include more rooms in the lodge, so few of them could be kept at lower prices and could be opened for the families who visit the place during vacations. The range of prices would attract a wide consumer base towards the lodge. When all types of customers would be entertained in the lodge then the brand will have a good image in the eyes of the potential customers and even it would be able to retain the current ones. This would also give an edge over the similar competitors in the tourism market as nearly all the tourist resorts and lodge follow the same strategies to attract and retain their customers. They either attract the rich customers or provide services to the average earners (Prayag, 2016). A lodge catering the needs of both the customers would have a larger scope to design and implement the strategies and thus will have better revenue than the others. Critical analysis of the Companys Website The company website shows the flag of 5 countries with a message that these languages are being used in the lodge for communication. These countries are New Zealand, Austria, Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. This means that the tourists and professional representatives from other continents will surely face a number of problems while communicating their requirements to the staff members. Also, supporting some particular languages over the others portrays a sort of discrimination which actually does not exist at the firm. But as these issues are quite sensitive, hence the social activists never miss a chance to use it as an element to defame the organization. Also, the Specials and packages are only shown to those customers who become a part of the website by sharing their personal details (Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge Official Website, 2016). They are then made aware of the latest packages and offers through customized mails or messages. Hence, an entirely new customer cou ld only avail this facility if he provides the website with its personal details. This could restrict those customers who are using online booking services for the first time or the ones who are less acquainted with such procedures. The website is not equipped with loopholes rather it has a wide range of unique features which is constantly helping it to survive the competition in the Tourism Industry. The types of the rooms and rates are clearly mentioned on the website with proper illustrations so that the travelers could have a candid idea of their trip and stay. Even they could plan out the budget if they need so. Even the website highlights the reviews of the genuine travelers and their experiences with the staff (Team S. , 2012). The feedbacks highlight both the negative as well as the positive aspects of the lodge which definitely helps the travel planners to take wise decisions regarding their trip to the National Park. The genuine customers are also allowed to upload their personal pictures so that the travel planners are assured about the quality of the services of the lodge. The pictures of the available rooms help the executives of the lodge to imprint a wonderful image of the scenic beauty of the pla ce. Another interesting feature offered by the website is the current picture of the Mount Taranaki which is refreshed in every 2 minutes (RudeÃ…Â ¾, Sedmak, Vodeb, 2015). This is an amazing approach of the lodge in which the site is directly linked to another site which shows the real and recent pictures of the mountain to its viewers. The site also has a link to a Facebook page where the visitors could easily connect to the lodge through a social media platform. These online platforms allow the travelers to view and share comments and photos of myriads of travelers and inquire about the lodge and its ambience (Tan, Ching-Yick, Wong, 2009, pp. 15-35). The website also offers a link to a Deutsch Website to which people of Germany, Switzerland and Austria are quite familiar. This approach clearly targets the tourism industry customers of these countries. As language barriers act as a major hurdle in communicating the exact idea and motive behind an action, hence, the executives in the Hospitality industry are required to have a command over other languages too. This makes them to connect easily with the customers in the foreign markets and evaluate their actual needs with the industry and its associated firms. A common language also helps the travelers to convey their grievances and feedbacks in a proper manner to the higher authorities without any discomfort (The International Labour Office, 2012, pp. 1-20). Improvements in the Website The above critical analysis of the website has shown that there are some inadequacies in the website which are to be met to make the website more user- friendly and attract a huge customer base. Digital marketing is the most emerging promotion method. This revolutionized approach, of reaching people, requires only few human resources at the time of creation and is also an interesting method which covers all the major target markets at a single time. However, apart from all these benefits, if the executives fail to manage these online platforms in an efficient way, then there are sure chances that the firm may lose its loyal customers. In order to maintain a good communication with the customers through online platforms, the lodge needs to include improvements in its website (Brown M. , 2016). First of all, to have a competitive advantage over the other websites, the lodge should clearly illustrate its offers and promotions for its loyal customers on the website page. This would attra ct the first time users of the website too. The website could also be optimized for better looks and attractiveness. This is crucial because as any new customer visits the website, he should be satisfies by the user- friendly environment of the website and should readily mark the site as a bookmark for frequent future references. The executives of the lodge should make it sure that the website is easy to navigate with a prominent display of the images that engages visitors to book (E-Marketing Associates, 2013). To capture a huge youth market, the webpage and booking engine could also be optimized for both mobiles and tablets. According to Google studies, 45% of leisure travelers and 35% of the business travelers prefer to browse and book hotels and lodges through their mobiles. To increase the direct website traffic, the executives could also ensure to reduce offline content and make available all the information related to the lodge and surroundings on the website. For instance, the brochures related to the website could be made available on the website in a pdf format that could be downloaded by the users. This will not only direct the traffic of customers towards the site but will also help the executives to keep a record of a number of visitors to the website and the people who have shown interest in their lodge (The structure of the strategic plan in tourism marketing, 2014, pp. 30-36). Measures to attract Gold and Platinum Customers (Associated Costs and justification) In marketing language, Silver is the potential customer who has shown interest in the works and operations of a brand. Gold customers are the ones who purchase goods and services from a firm or brand couple of times in a year. Platinum customers are the ones who spend on a particular brand or a firm with an open hand more than the silver and gold customers. The lodge has succeeded in attracting a huge Silver customer base, but has to plan out a number of measures to attract the Gold and Platinum Customers (Department of Conservation, 2016). As the customers falling under this category could spend a good amount on a lavish stay, hence they are easily attracted towards the uniqueness of a place. To offer exclusive services the lodge could incorporate changes in its rooms interior. Moreover, the cuisines and menu could also be amended to give different experiences to the tourists. However, this may require a pre- analysis of the tastes and cultural backgrounds of the tourists, so that t he lodge can offer them something different from their monotonous life. A unique style provides mesmerizing experiences. However, for this measure the lodge will have to keep aside a good amount of resources and money as it is an exorbitant measure. The innovations in the interior will cost around 25%- 35% of the annual revenue earned (Ministry for Culture and Heritage, 2008, pp. 15-25). The next measure is to Build Partnerships and teaming up with businesses which promise to offer complementary services to the customers. This synergy may help the lodge to offer myriads of services to its loyal as well as potential customers at a single point of time. As the lodge has a good website as a strong promotion channel, hence it can collaborate with a business that builds websites. This will help the lodge to include the trending elements in the website so that it could meet the preferences of the Gold and Platinum customers. Building and Nurturing relationships either with other businesses or with the customers will help to create a good client base (Whakatutuki, 2013, pp. 20-30). Researchers in the tourism industry have suggested a fact that the stronger relationships a brand or a firm has, the more likely the customers will tell the other potential customers about the brand or the company. Collaboration costs depend upon the type of businesses with which the lodge is con necting. Collaboration with a website may not be costly as it is a small part of promotion strategy, however, when the lodge decides to collaborate with the company that organizes the whole promotional strategies for the lodge then the costs may increase up to 20- 25% of the revenue generated (Team R. , 2015, pp. 1-10). The executives of the lodge could also be a part of some local groups, social or civic organizations or domestic market people. This will help the firm in two manners. At the first level this approach will help the lodge to interact with a wide variety of people and development of strong connections is quite pivotal in the tourism industry. The domestic market people could enlighten the lodge executives that which markets are best to be explored and about the dynamic perceptions of the consumers in those markets. The local groups also have a number of successful solutions for the common problems in the domestic markets. As these people have gained a lot of experience by working so long in the markets, hence, their knowledge and understandings about the market are quite deep and refined as compared to the ones who are quite new to the market. At the second level the social and civic organizations will help the lodge to improve its image in front of the customers as these organizations will offer a number of CSR opportunities to the lodge members (OConnor, 2015, pp. 20-35). The corporate social responsibilities often allow a firm to employ a portion of its annual revenue in the betterment and welfare of the deprived sections of the society and at the same time earn a good brand identity in the market. These humanitarian activities not only retain the loyal customers towards a firm but also compel the potential customers towards the company. The offers and complimentary services also work as a magic for the businesses in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector. The offers work in three different directions for a firm. Firstly, it lets the customers in the market to know about the existence of the lodge. Sometimes while searching for the best stays, the customers never come across such beautiful places and this is due to lack of proper promotion. Secondly, these activities may give a lodge with an opportunity to prove their potential by introducing interesting innovations in their promotion plans. The new customers always require the best services by a firm to get them attached to it on a permanent basis (Brown D. , 2012, pp. 1-14). Thirdly, and most importantly, these offers also provide the customers to try out new services at a lower price due to heavy discounts. Hence, a risk- free environment is created for the customers who are trying online booking services for the very first time. If the customers like the services of the lodge during the discount and offer period then they will readily pay for them in the coming future. Customers love offers and free services because they have nothing to lose; they just sit back, relax and enjoy the services without any risk. However, it should be made sure by the executives of the lodge that the offers must last only for a limited period and so that the firm would not have to spend some extra resources on such promotional services (Pelea, 2015). These services should also be framed to attract a specific clientele that is the best fit for the lodge services. The offers and promotions could be framed keeping in mind the specific needs of the guest and may include: complimentary parties on special occasions like Christmas, New Year and Easter, complimentary spa, beauty treatments and other relaxing activities and free lunch, dinner, breakfast and even shots in the bar. A pleasant staff and efficient managers are quite crucial for a lodge as they are the ones that directly deal with the customers. Professional attitude and a pleasant personality are the two important elements that should be possessed by all the working staff members of the lodge. This is crucial because when the customers are handled in a graceful manner, then they return again and again to the same place and even recommend others to do the same. The front desk employees need to respond immediately to the issues of the customers so that they leave the lodge with a great satisfaction. Fast responses to problems are an indication to guests that customer services are quite essential for the lodge and the lodge is working only to deliver the best services in the tourism market (Zephoria Inc., 2016). Also, the polite nature of the staff members communicates a good image of the lodge in the tourism market. The Gold and Platinum customers are really influenced by the way they are treated b y the staff members. As they have money to spend, hence, they can easily switch to other better lodges and resorts if they do not get the services according to their requirements. So, to attract and retain them, the staff needs to behave in a proper manner. Social Media is the last but the most important method that could be used to attract a huge customer base of the Gold and Platinum customers. This promotion channel is changing the way of business in this dynamic world. The lodge is already trending on a number of Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. As most of the Gold and Platinum users are rich enough to afford internet services and even are quite active on such platforms, hence this is the best medium to reach other customers of the same genre (Xotels Ltd., 2016). A study has revealed that over 81% of those aged between 18-45 years old use Facebook on a daily basis in New Zealand and in the current year Facebook became the first social site to surpass 1 Billion registered accounts (Shewan, 2016). Out of this huge number, almost 40-45% of the users fall under the category of Gold and Platinum customers. Hence, the social media platforms are the best channels to reach these customers. As these sites often offer fle xibility to its users to express their views and thoughts over anything, hence, through this medium the customers may get a good idea of the lodge. The reviews related to the lodge are displayed on the Facebook page with real pictures of the lodge and the surrounding scenic beauty. The social media platform could also be thought as the natural extension of the companys website keeping its search content fresh and original for search. The image search will make the lodge discoverable to the ones who are planning for a trip to the New Zealands National Park. The regular guests could be reached by inviting them to the Facebook page and requesting them to share their trip experiences and photos. These experiences could attract other customers towards the lodge. Other leading companies and tourist departments could also be linked to these social sites accounts (Milestone Internet Marketing, Inc., 2016). Conclusion The Tourism and Hospitality industry is the most competitive among the others because the success rates are highly influenced by the satisfaction of the customers. The more effectively an organization meets customers needs, the more are the chances that it will retain its position in the market. The most notable challenge in this industry is to attract and retain a huge customer base for a longer duration. The same problem is faced by the Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge and it is working in a close collaboration with its staff to provide the best services to its customers. The location of the lodge is quite competitive, but at the same time it is the most lucrative destination in New Zealand. The website of the lodge is quite interactive but needs a number of changes in order to attract the Gold and Platinum Customer bases. These customers are quite loyal to a firm and have a potential to increase the revenue of any organization at a very great pace. The current target markets include the tourists and business travelers belonging to the upper class, but, to expand the business the lodge has to attract other social classes of the markets. To remain in the competition the lodge has to satiate the needs of all possible customers and target both the domestic as well as the international markets. Recommendations The lodge has been analyzed in a critical manner in the above sections, and after the analysis a set of recommendations is to be suggested. Although, the implementation process for these recommendations would be quite complicated as the perceptions and demands of the customers in the Tourism and Hospitality industry is quite dynamic. Hence, the recommendations might change in compliance with these demands. In an industry where service is the only king, the service providers are bound to deliver the best of their abilities and satiate the needs of all sorts of customers. Hence, the lodge is required to focus more on the strategies that are framed and implemented to work for the benefits of the customers (Watkins, 2014). The firms policies should be in close alignment with the needs of the customers and should be highly flexible so that they can be amended at times when issues are raised by the customers. The lodge should also keep a good coordination with the employees and communicate with them in an effective manner. This is important because if the employees are included in every crucial decision of the lodge then they deliver their services in the best possible manners. The ideas and thoughts of all the employees should be welcomed by the senior executives. Apart from listening to them, it should be the duty of the executives to empower the team with the best possible guidance. For this, the executives could arrange for meetings and learning sessions that are headed by good and efficient leaders. The staff should be made aware of their responsibilities and their behavior towards the customers. They should be trained to behave in a polite manner with all the customers (Naseem, Ejaz, Malik, 2011, pp. 1-15). Economic uncertainties are quite common in this business world. The increasing competition in the Tourism industry has compelled its participants to include innovative ideas that can capture huge customer bases. The same is expected from this lodge as the location of the lodge is quite competitive and is surrounded by myriads of similar types of hotels and resorts. The lodge has to respond to a number of challenges that would make a huge difference in the marketplace and will also ensure a strong position among the competitors (Steyn, Petzer, Mostert, 2008, pp. 1-22). Feedback is another crucial element that gives a clear reflection of the services of the lodge. 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